Month: January 2021

Marriage Advisor at Refuat Hanefesh
Rabbi Dani Bauer, originally from Brooklyn, NY, earned a Bachelor’s of Talmudic Law at Yeshivat Sha'alvim in Israel and a Bachelor's in Psychology at Lander College for Men. He obtained Semicha at Yeshiva University and received an M.S. in Jewish Education from the Azrieli School of Education. He graduated from Council for Relationships with a postgraduate certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy. Rabbi Bauer recently joined Bala Child and Family Associates, where he works in private practice and specializes in couples, families, and teens. In addition to private practice, Rabbi Bauer is also a full-time high school Rebbe at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Philadelphia, where he has been teaching Gemara, Halacha, and Tanach since 2013. Along his journey, Rabbi Bauer also served as a rabbinic intern and youth director at the Roslyn Synagogue in Roslyn, New York.
Dani Bauer

To say that this has been a difficult time would be an insult to the so many people who have suffered. Many have lost relatives or their jobs, and there is instability across the globe. Parents are overwhelmed, being forced to juggle their jobs while being their children’s teachers, technicians, and wardens. However, I’d like Read More …

Latest posts by anonymous (see all)

Author’s Note: I write this piece from an awareness of how necessary it is to admit my struggle with mental health, how urgent it is that I reach out for help, and how much hope I can have if only I wouldn’t keep myself so alone, hiding behind the image of perfection. He walks the streets Read More …

Latest posts by anonymous (see all)

I never thought I’d be here. I’ve always had a ‘Type A’ personality. As a student, I was an over achiever and wanted to get 100s on my tests not for anyone else, but to prove to myself that I was a hard worker. Running Out of Gas This mentality quickly spiraled to dangerous lows. Read More …