Month: November 2017

“Some days are easier than others; these are days that the symptoms are better controlled. People with this disorder can one day be fun, light-hearted, loving and adventurous, while the next day be depressing, morose, sad and suicidal.”

Tzivia Appleman graduated from the HANC High School class of 2017. She spent the following year studying in Israel at MMY and is currently in its Shana Bet program. Afterwards, she will be attending NYU. Tzivia is from Plainview, New York and is the former Regional President of New York NCSY. She's a passionate Jew who loves to write and take down the stigma!
Tzivia Appleman
Latest posts by Tzivia Appleman (see all)

Akeidat Yitzchak is commonly categorized as the epitome of the Jewish faith. As the story famously goes, Avraham was told to sacrifice his son, even though paganism clearly goes against monotheistic logic. The confusion strengthens as this was Avraham’s own son, which not only goes against his moral values, but also his personal emotions. By Read More …

Vice President at Refuat Hanefesh
Avi J. Gordon, PsyD, grew up Toronto, Canada and is currently a pre-Doctoral Intern at Faulk Center For Counseling in Boca Rio, Florida. He is a Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate at Loyola University of Maryland and obtained his M.A. in Psychology from Columbia University. Avi’s clinical experiences at college clinics and outpatient mental health centers include anxiety, depressive, and personality disorders, as well as complicated grief, relationships, and various identity and developmental factors. His research interests include emerging-adult religious and spiritual identity. He is passionate about the mission of Refuat Hanefesh and spreading mental health education and awareness in an effort to ensure access to care for those who may need it. When he’s not working, he can be found rollerblading, playing music or ice hockey. Avi can be reached at
Avi Gordon, PsyD

  This week’s Torah portion (Chayei Sara) begins with “And this was the life of Sara, she lived…” and continues to explore some relevant details of Sara’s life. Commentators explain that this introduction to the new section of the Torah immediately follows Avraham’s attempt to sacrifice Yitzchak discussed in the previous Torah portion. Sara died Read More …

A sobering look at the life-changing effects parents can have on their children’s success even in the most hopeless situations.