Month: November 2020

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Gripping thoughts,     Haunt my mind.Causing me,To act in kind.Why are they so intrusive,Bossing me around.Forcing me to be immoral,Why in MY head are they found?I know I shouldn’t do it,But my mind tells me I must.And several times I give in,So in my strength I’m losing trust.I take each day at a time,Trying just Read More …

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Dr. Ariel Mintz grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. After spending two years learning in Israel, at Derech Eitz Chaim and Shaalivm, he earned his BA in Psychology at Yeshiva Univesity in New York. He went on to obtain his MD at Oakland University William Beaumont School of medicine and trained in adult psychiatry at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis. He completed a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and is a practicing psychiatrist in Cleveland, Ohio. He has received awards for his research, academic performance, and service to the Jewish community. He has a supportive and talented wife and three wonderful children. He is very passionate about destigmatizing mental illness and bringing comfort to those who are suffering.
Ariel Mintz, MD
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Latest posts by Ariel Mintz, MD (see all)

Yaakov’s Curious Request In this week’s Torah portion (Vayeitzei), as Yaakov runs away from his brother Esav towards his uncle Lavan, he pauses to offer a prayer. He beseeches Hashem and promises that if God guards him against danger and provides him with bread to eat and clothes to wear, then he will keep the Read More …

Latest posts by anonymous (see all)

They say normal is a setting on the washing machine. My normal is a constant swing from feeling irritable, and then feeling energized and talkative, and then collapsing into depression again. A Sample Morning I’m feeling chipper, so I decide to bake up a storm for the upcoming Yom Tov (holiday). I pull out the Read More …

Shelli lives with her husband and three children in Teaneck, NJ. She has been in the field of Jewish education for many years and hopes that through this article she can help remove the stigma surrounding mental health and make more resources available for support.
Shelli Sussman
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When Depression Overwhelms Me I was hearing loud noises and seeing bright lights swirling in different colors. I felt like an outsider. If it had been a movie, everyone else would have been in the center, and then the camera would have had to zoom out to its greatest extent just to see me: a Read More …

Eliza is a popular blogger who shares her life's ups and downs with her readers as well as her feelings towards mental illness. Her blog can be found at and she can be reached at
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Today’s been, long. A 16-year-old in my community ended her life yesterday. It makes me sad for her. Sad for she had an entire life to live. In some sense jealous that she isn’t here. Guilt for wanting that. Grateful to be here. Sad for her family, for all their unanswered questions. For the world. Read More …

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Happy on The Outside, Struggling on The Inside I had a wonderful, happy childhood: I loved school and camp, and was appreciated by the adults and friends around me. I had also experienced some challenging points in my childhood, but I never thought they had affected me. These experiences included my parents’ marital discord, emotional Read More …