Month: September 2019

Marriage Advisor at Refuat Hanefesh
Rabbi Dani Bauer, originally from Brooklyn, NY, earned a Bachelor’s of Talmudic Law at Yeshivat Sha'alvim in Israel and a Bachelor's in Psychology at Lander College for Men. He obtained Semicha at Yeshiva University and received an M.S. in Jewish Education from the Azrieli School of Education. He graduated from Council for Relationships with a postgraduate certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy. Rabbi Bauer recently joined Bala Child and Family Associates, where he works in private practice and specializes in couples, families, and teens. In addition to private practice, Rabbi Bauer is also a full-time high school Rebbe at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Philadelphia, where he has been teaching Gemara, Halacha, and Tanach since 2013. Along his journey, Rabbi Bauer also served as a rabbinic intern and youth director at the Roslyn Synagogue in Roslyn, New York.
Dani Bauer

“Remember when?” and “remember the time that?” These phrases that often come up when I am hanging out with my buddies. We reminisce about times that we had together; we tell jokes about experiences we shared.   Nostalgia is so important to society that the movie industry has made it into a multi-billion dollar venture Read More …

Talya graduated high school this past year and is headed off to Israel for a gap year. She is open with her struggles with mental health with the hope of encouraging others to speak up and get the help they deserve.
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The following piece was selected as one of the winners of this year’s Refuat Hanefesh Creative Expression Contest. Age group: High School. It has been lightly edited.    Prompt: A substantial percentage of childhood is spent in the classroom. What can our educational institutions do to improve our mental health and well being?     The world Read More …

Yehudis is a vibrant young adult from Brooklyn, NY who is passionate about bringing awareness to mental illness and mental health issues. She believes that reducing the stigma starts here and now - with herself! She runs an active playgroup where she enjoys watching children thrive and grow. Through her work, she has seen the value of getting back up after every fall. Yehudis uses words, language, and writing to help sort out her thoughts and feelings and has self-published many of her poems. She has been diagnosed with C-PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, BPD and EDNOS. Yehudis has had her journey of fighting against therapy and her “need” for therapy, although with much perseverance and determination she prevailed.
Yehudis Modes
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The following slideshow which depicts what it feels like to have depression was selected as one of the winners of this year’s Refuat Hanefesh Creative Expression Contest. Age group: College And Up           Please click here to read other pieces pertaining to depression MAKE YOUR DIFFERENCE: CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT A PIECE TO OUR BLOG  

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The following piece was selected as one of the winners of this year’s Refuat Hanefesh Creative Expression Contest. Age group: High School. It has been lightly edited.    Message from the Author: This poem is about the impact a short message or real interaction can have and what looking behind the mask of another person can Read More …