Month: February 2019

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Dr. Ariel Mintz grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. After spending two years learning in Israel, at Derech Eitz Chaim and Shaalivm, he earned his BA in Psychology at Yeshiva Univesity in New York. He went on to obtain his MD at Oakland University William Beaumont School of medicine and trained in adult psychiatry at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis. He completed a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and is a practicing psychiatrist in Cleveland, Ohio. He has received awards for his research, academic performance, and service to the Jewish community. He has a supportive and talented wife and three wonderful children. He is very passionate about destigmatizing mental illness and bringing comfort to those who are suffering.
Ariel Mintz, MD
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The stock market is volatile, the government recently went through a historical shutdown and acts of mass violence are almost a daily occurrence. We live in a world with constant anxiety. Besides persistent speculative fear, many of us may also experience frequent headaches, muscle tension or upset stomachs as a result. Are these relatively benign aches the Read More …

Howard Weiner grew up in the Detroit area. He completed all of his training in medicine, adult psychiatry, and child/adolescent psychiatry at the University of Michigan. He is also a graduate of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute. He has worked in a variety of settings including outpatient programs, hospitals, and residential treatment programs. He has a special interest in the interface between spirituality and mental health.
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The purpose of this article is twofold. The first is to help parents understand the nature of substance use disorders. The second is to identify signs that indicate that their child may be suffering from such a disorder. This is not an academic treatise on the subject but rather a practical approach.     The Read More …