Noam Stein
High School Principal at Kohelet Yeshiva High School in Merion, PA.
Happily married with seven wonderful children. Getting better, but still has challenging days.
Mood Disorder. Treated with therapy and antidepressant medication.

Tzivia Appleman
NYU Politics major and Philosophy minor, Class of 2022. VP of Shalhevet at NYU, member of NYU Student Government Assembly. Intern at Carolyn Maloney for Congress.
Book lover, Torah learner, obsessed with the world around me
Depression and Anxiety. Medication and therapy help me cope with both.

Lauren M. Bahar
Social Worker
Married, have my MSW and continue to fight the stigma around mental health and illness. I am still learning how to manage my PTSD and the difficulty of being far less social than in the past.
Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, & ADHD. I currently go to therapy on a weekly basis and see my psychiatrist once a month. I have been off my anti-depressant medication for 5 years.

Miriam Beigelman
Social Worker
Newly married to my wonderful husband
Journeyed through depression twice in my 30's. Stable over 10 years with help of medication, therapy, exercise, writing and lots of support from family and friends. I am honored to be sharing on this forum.

Dena Croog Cohen
Executive Director, Refa'enu
I'm a writer and editor, as well as the founder of Refa'enu, which provides education about and support for those affected by mood disorders and other behavioral health issues.
I have bipolar disorder, for which I am in therapy and taking medication.

Batsheva Halberstam
Clinical Psychologist
Therapist, mother, avid reader
Attended psychotherapy weekly for 11 years. Best gift I ever gave to myself.

Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
Rabbi, Congregation Netivot Shalom/Chair, Dept. of Torah She Baal Peh, SAR High School
Married for over two decades to my amazing wife, father of four beautiful boys.
Major Depression in my 30's and 40's; continue taking maintenance dose till today. Therapy and Medication helped me get back my equilibrium. Had a relapse during the COVID lockdown in April/May, but got back to good health with renewed therapy and medications.

Randy Kaplan
English and Drama Teacher at Farber Hebrew Day School / Musician
Once I found out I wasn't the only one who ever had these experiences, everything changed.
Therapy, medication, and music have kept my depression and anxiety at bay and enabled me to really live life.

Ezra Klausner
Student at Yeshiva University, currently in Israel at Yeshivat Har Etzion
Enjoys casual sports with friends and hanging out
Anxiety and OCD diagnosed after tragic death in extended family. Medication and temporary therapy controlled the OCD and keep the anxiety manageable.

Sarah Last
Student at Yeshiva University, Psychology Major
Loves to spend time with friends. Loves to work with children.
Borderline Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, Depression - Residential treatment helped a lot, now currently managing with therapy and medications.

Dr. Yardaena Osband
Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at New York Medical College
Married with children, Pediatrician, Torah Educator, and loves to laugh
Has used therapy as a way to cope during difficult life transitions and to help her grow as a person

Kim Schon
Family Law and Estate Planning attorney. University of Michigan undergrad and Law School
Mom to 4 wonderful kids. Love to read, workout and spend time with family and friends.
Postpartum Anxiety and Depression. Treated with medication and therapy. My daughter struggles with Depression and Anxiety. Medication and therapy help her manage, but having a support system she can open up to has been just as, or even more, important. Asking for help can be the hardest part and I hope this helps people to reach out.

Lisa Shevin
Retired daycare teacher
Love traveling, gardening and reading In the process of making aliyah
DID, anorexia, depression, have tried residential program which was a bust, PHP which helped somewhat and I see a therapist twice a week

Rebecca Skoczylas
School Psychologist/ Behavior Analyst Ed.S., BCBA,LBA
Married mother of 3 children, marathoner who loves to read and play board games.
Anxiety Disorder. Successfully treated with medication for several years. Running and exercise have been incredibly effective tools as well.

Eliyahu Spivack
Special Education Paraeducator
Yeshiva University graduate. Aspiring psychologist
Social anxiety disorder - treated with therapy and medication. Obsessive-compulsive disorder - recovered through therapy and medication

Sima Stein
I am currently studying in Midreshet Lindenbaum for the year.
I come from a family of nine that has supported me throughout my mental health journey.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Therapy and medication help me manage my anxiety and help me to keep going.

Shelli Sussman
Jewish Educator
Happily married, mother of 3 fantastic children. I enjoy seeing the world through my children's innocent eyes. A relaxing date night (at home or elsewhere) always helps me manage.
Depression, anxiety, and mood disorder. Ongoing treatment with various forms of therapy such as DBT and CBT as well as medication and other treatments.

Evie Tavin
Elementary School Teacher
Love to work with my hands, especially when there’s yarn or fabric involved
Medication, therapy, and LOTS of support from friends and my husband help me manage my anxiety, depression, compulsive disorder, and sensory processing disorder.

Tamar Wiener
Physician Assistant
Full time working married mother of 5. One of the things I am most proud of is that I asked for help on my own.
Postpartum depression/anxiety and generalized anxiety. Medication and some therapy helped along with excellent support from my primary doctor. I was able to go off meds last year but I know what to look for and that I can ask for help, and receive it, if I ever find myself in that position again.

Michael Yousef-Zadeh
BA Yeshiva College, dual major philosophy and biology. MA Columbia University, organizational psychology. Plans to complete his PHD in clinical psychology at Columbia and pursue a career as a writer and mental health advocate.
The only things that have gotten me through all these years are faith, family and friends. Those are the only things that matter to me.
Bipolar Disorder. Treatment resistant. Managed with medication, socializing, exercise (wrestling/weights), and meditation.

Hadassah Chavivah Zeltzer
I am a Underrepresented Artist with a mental Health Disability and an award winning short filmmaker, Fine Artist, Songwriter, and former Judea Teacher for little kids in Boston, MA.
The more I share my experience as a survivor with mental health issues, and some of the systemic issues I faced in my housing and also getting long term quality mental health care the more empowered I feel and I am also making meaning out of my suffering and letting others know they are not alone. Makes me feel proud of how far I have come and how I hope to be in a place to support others. I love music and art and Torah Study to stay close to Hashem.
I am survivor and have PTSD and have had lot's different types of therapy and have been on medication for many years. However, because of the inequalities and inequities. of the broken mental health system accessibly has been a problem and has prolonged my healing. since not all providers will take government insurance .

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Something about you
Your mental health status and treatments