Creative Expression Contest
2018 Creative Expression Contest Winners
Music Lyrics:
Age Group: College And Up
Preview: The more you try to reach it, it alludes you
You think you’re going to get it but you ain’t seen nothing yet
For only now you see the results of the fire that consumed you
You look to fix, hate to break you more, but there’s just nothing left
*This piece has been lightly edited.*
Personal Story:
The Power of Sharing
Age Group: College And Up
Preview: When I came back from my first stay at an inpatient hospital, I was scared to leave my house. I was scared of the questions people would ask and how I would answer them in such a vulnerable place. What would I say when neighbors Read More...
*This piece has been lightly edited.*
Personal Story:
Tug of War
Batya Tamar Stern
Preview: He’s following me. Every second of the day. He tries to tempt me, little by little but very quickly gains speed. Next to him, I am powerless. Addiction. Such Read More...
*This piece has been lightly edited.*
A Puzzle Piece of Mind
Age Group: Elementary School.
About The Artwork: Aviva Eizicovics, a Grade 6 student at Netivot HaTorah Day School, used her creative skills to create a masterpiece for Refuat Hanefesh. The artwork is called “A Puzzle Piece of Mind" Read More …

Aviva Eizicovics
Personal Story:
A Hundred Reasons to Fight

Adira Schorr
Age Group: College And Up
Preview: I have a hundred reasons to be happy. Hundreds of moments that should smear a giant smile all over my face. A hundred jokes and ridiculous things to laugh about. A hundred students, sweet, adorable bundles of joy, rushing Read More...
*This piece has been lightly edited.