Healing the Body and the Spirit

Where stigma ends and support begins.

YU, Healing the Body and the Spirit

“Its solid growth & the passion of the team members indicates that Refuat Hanefesh will achieve its goals & become a trusted & critical part of the Orthodox Jewish community.”

YU, Healing the Body and the Spirit

The Jewish News, Healing the Soul

Where stigma ends and support begins.

YU, Healing the Body and the Spirit

“A safe space online where people could remain anonymous, yet still receive support.”

The Jewish News, Healing the Soul

Chicago Jewish News, Life After Death

Where stigma ends and support begins.

YU, Healing the Body and the Spirit

“Serves as a safe space where people can get help anonymously, without fear of being judged, from those who understand Judaism’s cultural and religious nuances.”

Chicago Jewish News, Life After Death

YU Commentator, Current and Former YU Students Join Forces to Fight Mental Health Stigma and Inequality in The Jewish Community

Where stigma ends and support begins.

YU, Healing the Body and the Spirit

“Its solid growth & the passion of the team members indicates that Refuat Hanefesh will achieve its goals & become a trusted & critical part of the Orthodox Jewish community.”

YU Commentator, Current & Former YU Students Join Forces to Fight Mental Health Stigma & Inequality in The Jewish Community

The Jewish News, Healing the Soul 2

Where stigma ends and support begins.

YU, Healing the Body and the Spirit

“Saving lives, one click at a time.”

The Jewish News, Healing the Soul

Our Mission

To create a Jewish community that is more aware, respectful, and empathetic to people living with mental illness.

Our Vision

A supportive community that openly discusses mental health, works to improve our overall well being, and readily comes to the aid of those experiencing mental health challenges.

Why Now

According to the NIMH, 40% of people will have a diagnosable mental health disorder in their lifetime and half will go untreated. The Jewish community is no exception. However, we do face unique challenges in confronting the stigma and finding confidants or professionals who understand our values and way of life.


Too many in our community are silent due to fear of their reputations and the impact of their mental illness. Lack of education leads to unnecessary suffering and pain. The time has come for the Jewish community to unite and speak out about this affliction that affects nearly every family. This must happen now, before another broken relationship, psychiatric hospitalization, or suicide, shakes our community. Join us in creating a brighter future.